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مرکز مشاوره ی زندگی با نهایت تاسف و تاثر درگذشت برادر گرامی جناب آقای دکتر مرتضی کشمیری را خدمت ایشان و خانواده‌ی محترمشان تسلیت عرض نموده و صبر جزیل  ‎برای ایشان آرزومند است.

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کارگاه های عموم

فرزند پرورری - مقابله با اهمالکاری - مدیریت خشم - ارتباط موثر بین فردی - تربیت جنسی - آموزش جراتمندی - مهارت های ارتباط موثر زناشویی

پیوستن به دریافت کنندگان پیامک های مرکز


قابل توجه علاقمندان دریافت اخبار کارگاه های تخصصی 

جهت دریافت اخبار و کارگاه های مرکز مشاوره زندگی به آدرس زیر مراجعه نمایید.

لینک سامانه پیامکی اخبار و کارگاه های مرکز مشاوره زندگی




قابل توجه علاقمندان دریافت اخبار کارگاه های ویژه عموم

جهت دریافت اخبار کلاس های مرکز مشاوره زندگی به آدرس زیر مراجعه نمایید.

لینک سامانه پیامکی اخبار کلاس های مرکز مشاوره زندگی

دکتر عباس بخشی پور رودسری

دکتر عباس بخشی پور رودسری، دانشیار روانشناسی بالینی دانشگاه تبریز

ABBAS BAKHSHIPOUR ROUDSARI                                               

CURRICULUM VITAE                                                                           

Last updated: March 2012                                                    



Anxiety and mood disorders, especially classification,  assessment, etiological models  and treatment. Cognitive-behavior therapy of anxiety and depression, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, philosophy of psychology, cognition & language.

Educational Background (Last One First)

2003: Ph.D. Clinical Psychology- Tehran Psychiatric Institute- Iran.

1991: M.A. Clinical Psychology- Terbiat-e-Modarres University- Iran.

1987: B.A. Clinical Psychology- Shiraz University- Iran.

Title of Doctorate Thesis

 Structural relationships among dimensions of DSM-IV anxiety and depression disorders and dimensions of tripartite model (negative affect, positive affect, physiological arousal).

Teaching Experiences (Last One First)

Psychopathology. University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, from 2003 to present.

Group therapy. University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, from 2003 to present.

Mental tests.  University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, from 2003 to present.     

Cognitive-behavior therapy. University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, from 2003 to 2005.

Individual psychotherapy. University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, from 2003 to present.

Mind & cognition. University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, from 2003 to present.

Cognition & Language . University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, from 1992 to present.      

Clinical Psychology. University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, from 1992 to 1997.

Child psychopathology. University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, from 1992 to 1997.

Introductory psychology. University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, from 1992 to 1997.


Administrative Responsibilities

Head of Psychology. University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, from 2004 to 2006.

Master and Doctorate Thesis Supervision

·         Roya Homayouni, M. A. (2012). The cousal-stractural relation of personality traits and externalizing spectrum dimensions of the integrative hierarchial model.

·         Mahdi Karimi, M. A. (2012). Cognitive rigidity in unipolar depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

·         Roghieh Hassan-zadeh. Ph. D. (2011). The correlation of the cognitive capacity with recovery of hand sensibility after peripheral nerve injury of upper extremity.

·         Samarah Asadi, M.A. (2011). The comparison of perceived stress, health locus of control and perceived social support in individuals with type D personality and non type D.

·         Ahmad Amiri, M.A. (2011). The efficacy of metacognitive therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

·         Hassan Baphandeh, Ph.D. (2011). The comparison of theroy of mind and executive functions in schizophrenic patients and their non-schizophrenc sibiling with normal people.  

·         Nasser Pourali, M. A. (2011). The comparison of memory profile in the first episode and chronic schizophrenia.

·         Siamak Fatollahi, M.A. (2011). Structural relation of temperament and character components of personality with emotional disorders.

·         Yones Ghasembaklou. M.A. (2010). The inquiry of the relationship of personality profile and coping style in delinquent people.

·         Salman Safikhanlou. M.A. (2010). Coparison of behavioral-brain system`s function in major depression and bipolar disorders.

·         Negin Montazeh, M.A. (2010). Efficacy of cognitive-behavior therapy based on Dugas model in generalized anxiety disorder.

·         Zahra Bahadori, M.A. (2010). The structural relationships among biosocial model of personality metacognitive beliefs and generalised axiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder in non-clinical sample.

·         Asghar Vossoughi, M.A. (2010). Structural relation of personality dimensions of NEO-FFI with cluster symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression.

·         Leyla Shatari, M.A. (2009). The comparison of emotional recognition in schizophrenic patients and their non-schizophrenc sibiling with normal people.

·         Amad Mansori, M.A. (2009). The comparative study of wory, obsession and rumination in individual with anxiety disorders and depression.

·         Saeideh Gheslaghi. M.A. (2009). The study of relationship between responibility and intolerance of certainly with obsessive-compulsive subtypes among students of Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch.

·         Robab Faraji. M. A. (2009). The study of relationship between thought-action fusion with obsessive-compulsive symptoms in patients with OCD.

·         Akram Arji, M.A. (2008). A comparative study of the personality trait, sensation seeking and coping sterategies in HIV positive addicted patients and normal groups.

·         Salman Abdi, M.A. (2008). Causal relation of perspective taking, emotional comparing, sex role orientation, self-monitoring and emotion regulation with emotional empathy of university students.

·         Hossein Gholizadah, M.A. (2008). Empirical fitness of congruency hypothesis of stress and sociotyopy and autonomy in patient with depression.

·         Zahra Sareyolghadm, M.A. (2008). The role of psychological hardiness in mediating negative effects of stress on memory functioning.

·         Hassen Saborimoghaddam, Ph.D. (2008). Effects of motivational manipulation and brain-behavioral systems on neural conductance.

·         Reza Abdollahi, M.A. (2006). The relationship between behaviroal inhibition/activation systems with implicite and explicite memory bias in depressed individuals.

·         Zolikhah Gholizadah M.A. (2005). Analysis of environmental, personality and problem solving factors influencing the run-away girles.

·         Raman Moradi, M.A. (2004).The investigation on the interaction of personality traits (extraversion introversion / neuroticism) and positive/negative mood on the recalling of emotional words.

·         Sajjad Irani, M.A. (2004). The investigation on the relations of personality traits, personality disorders, and coping strategies in addicts.  


A: Books

·         Practical Guide for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse. (2005). (Compilation to Persian).

·         Motivational Interviewing. (2004). (Translation to Persian).

·         Coping Skills Training for Addicts. (2004). (Translation to Persian).

·         Contingency Management. (2004). (Translation to Persian).

·         Motivational Enhancement Therapy. (2004). (Translation to Persian).

·         Genetic Epistemology. (2004). (Translation to Persian).

·         A Cognitive – Behavioral Approach: Treating Cocaine Addiction. (2002). (Translation to Persian).

·         Stress and Anxiety Management. (1999). (Translation to Persian).

·         Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. (1998). (Translation to Persian).

·         Cognitive Foundation of Clinical Psychology. (1998). (Translation to Persian).

B: Papers

·         Dezhkam, M. & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (1994). Normalization of schizophrenia scale of MMPI in Iranian male population. Psychological Research. 2, 3&4, 3-12.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (1998). The relationship between type-A personality and experienced stress with heart-attack. Psychological Research. 4, 3&4, 3-14.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (1999). The critique of Popper on Husserl`s phenomenology. Kiyan. 8, 43, 46-50.

·          Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2002). The relationships among psychology and religion. Howzeh Va Daneshgah. 7, 29, 133-166.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2002). Written emotional expression as a coping skill. Counselor. 1, 2&3, 67-83.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2002). Family as an interactive system. Counseling Bulletin. 3, 6, 7-23.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2002). Physical child abuse and preventing of it. Counseling Bulletin, 3, 5, 3-26.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2003). Beyond of determinism and materialism. Allameh. 1, 1&2, 119-139.

·         Bakhshipour, A. (2003). Historical explanation. Howzeh Va Daneshgah. 8, 33, 151-168.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2004). Objective knowlege and subjective knowlege. Allameh. 1, 3&4, 42-62.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Dezhkam, M., Mahryar, A., & Beerashk. B. (2004). Structural relationships among the dimensions of the DSM-IV anxiety and depression disorders and the dimensions of tripartite model (negative affect, positive affect, physiological arousal). Andesheh va Raftar. 36, 63-76.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Peyravi, H., & Abedian, A. (2005). Investigating relationship between satisfaction with life and social support with mental health among freshman students of Tehran University. The Quarterly Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health. 7, 27&28, 145-152.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Dezhkam M. (2006). A confirmatory factor analysis of the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scales ( PANAS). Journal of Psychology. 9, 36, 351-365.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Bagharian Khosrooshahi, S. (2006). Psychometric properties of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised Short Scale (EPQ-R). Contemporary Psychology, Biannual Journal of the Iranian Psychological Association. 1, 2, 3-12.

·         Garrossi, T., Mani, A., & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2006). Investigating the relationship between personality factor and happingess among Tabriz University students. Journal of Psychology – University of Tabriz. 1, 1, 143-158.

·         Imani, M., Mahmood Aliloo, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Farnam, A. (2007). The comparison of effectiveness exposure-response prevention and fluoxetine in recovery obsessive-compulsive patients. Journal of Psycholocal Health Research. 1, 4, 41-49.

·         Mahmood Aliloo, M., Bairami, M., Hashemi, T.,   & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2007). The study of memory and memory confidence in obsessive-compulsive checkers and individuals with  obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Journal of Psychology – University of Tabriz. 2,6, 133-145.

·         Zarean, M., Asadollahpour, A., & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2007). Relationship between emotional intelligence and problem solving styles with general health. Iraniain Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. 13, 2, 166-172.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2008). The relation of life satisfaction, problem solving style and religious believes with general health. Journal of Psychology – University of Tabriz. 3, 9, 1-19.

·         Zarean, M., Asadollahpour, A., Bahadori, F., Ayatmehr, F., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Dadkhah, A. (2008). Emotional intelligence (EI) and psychopathology in Iranian university students. Middle East Journal of family Medicine. 6. 3. 10-17.

·         Arji, A., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Mahmood Aliloo, M., & Samadirad, B. (2008). The comparisn of personality traiats in HIV positive addicts with normal individuals. Journal of Psychology – University of Tabriz. 3, 12, 1-15.

·         Abdollahi, R., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Mahmood Aliloo, M. (2008). Implicit and explicit memory bias in depressed individuals based on the transfer appropriate processsing. Contemporary Psychology, Biannual Journal of the Iranian Psychological Association. 4, 1, 87-101.

·         Imani, M., Mahmood Aliloo, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Farnam, A., & Golizadeh, H. (2009). The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy compared to exposure and response prevention and fluoxetine in the recovery of obsessive-compulsive patients. Daneshvar Raftar. 16, 12, 39-50.

·         Golizadeh, Z., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Babapour, J. (2009). Analysis of environmental, personality and problem solving factors influencing the run-away girls. Journal of Psychology – University of Tabriz. 4, 13, 139-159.

·         Sabouimoghaddam, H., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Ashayeri, H., Ghaderi Pakdel, F., & Garrossi,T. (2009). Effects of motivation manipulation on brain processing speed of BIS/BAS people. Studies in Education & Psychology. 10, 1, 185-196.

·         Farnam, A., Imani, M., Mahmood Aliloo, M., & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2009). The comparison of efficasy cognitive-behavior therapy and fluoxetine in recovery obsessive-compulsive patients. Studies in Education & Psychology. 10, 1, 63-77.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Bairami, M., & Kakaee, A. (2009). Psychometric properties of Fear Survey Schedule-Third Version (FSS-III). Psychological Research. 12, 1&2, 40-61.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Zarean, M., & Asadollahpour, A. (2009). Psychometric properties of the Modified Shutte Emotional Intelligence Scale (MSEIS). Journal of Psychology. 12, 4, 429-444.

·         Esmaeili, M., Mahmood Aliloo, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Shareefi, M. (2009). The study of dysfunctional attitudes and coping styles in essential hypertension patients. Quarterly Journal of Psychological studies. 5, 2, 117- 131.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Bairami, M., & Esmaeelpour, Kh. (2009). The psychometric properties of the Student-life Stress Inventory in University of Tabriz students. Journal of Psychology – University of Tabriz. 5, 14, 23-48.

·         Ahmadi, P., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Vahedi, H. (2009). The study of brain waves symmetry in PTSD patients electroencephalography. Daneshvar Medicine. 16, 83, 21-26.

·         Mahmood Aliloo, M., Imani, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Farnam, A. (2009). Effect of cognitive-behavior therapy, exposure and response prevention on obsessive-compulsive disorder. Medical Journal of TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences. 31, 3, 71-77.

·         Hassanzadeh, R., Mahmood Aliloo, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Roofigari, AR. (2010). Sensory re-education methods after peripheral repair in upper extremity: A review article. Research in Rehabilitaion Science. 5, 2, 136-147.

·         Gholizadeh, H., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Mahmood Aliloo, M., & Imani, M. (2010). Congruency hypothesis of stress and sociotropy & autonomy in patients with depression. Medical Journal of TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences. 32, 1, 68-72.

·         Abdollahi, R., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Mahmood Aliloo, M. (2010). The relationship between personality traits of behavioral inhibition/activation systems and coceptual implicit memory bias based on the Transfer Appropriate Processing (TAP) framework. Quarterly Journal of Psychological studie. 6, 1, 57-87.

·         Mahmood Aliloo, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Esmaeli, M., & Toofan Tabrizi, M. (2010). Personality traits and coping styles in patients with essential hypertension. Medical Journal of TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences. 32, 2, 61-66.

·         Mansouri, A., & Bakhshipour, A. (2010). The relationship between behavioral activation and inhibition systems on the pathological and non-pathological wory. Journal of Babol University Medical Sciences. 12, 1, 59-64.

·         Bairami, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Hadavandkhani, F. (2010). Schizotypy and handedness in non-clinical individuals: A study of an Iranian sample population. Arak Medical University Journal. 13, 2, 21-27.

·         Farnam, A., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Minahee, A. (2010). The psychometric properties of  the Schizotypic Syndrome Questionnaire (SSQ). Medical Journal of TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences. 32, 6, 45-52.

·         Mansouri, A., Farnam, A., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Mahmood Aliloo, M. (2010). The comparative study of rumination in patients with major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and normal people. Sabzevar Journal of Medical Sciences. 17, 3, 189-195.

·         Hassan-Zadeh.R., Mahmood Aliloo, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Roofigari, A.R., & Shariat Zadeh, H. (2010). The effect of the audio-visual-tactile system on sensory recovery following ulnar nerve repair: A case report. NeuroRehabilitation. 26, 2, 123-126.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Faraji, R. (2011). Relationship between thought-action fusion with obsessive-compulsive symptoms in patients with obsessive-copulsive disorder. Contemporary Psychology, Biannual Journal of the Iranian Psychological Association. 5, 2, 15-22.

·         Mahmood Aliloo, M., Arji, A., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Shahjooe, T. (2011). Relationship between personality traits and coping styles in HIV positive, addict males. Medical Journal of TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences. 33, 1, 70-76.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Mansouri, A. (2011). Comparison of positive, negative and disorganized schizotypy characteristic in secure, avoidance and anxiety attachment student in Tabriz University. Journal of Research in Behavioural Sciences. 9, 1, 24- 32.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Faraji, R., Narimani, M., & Sadeghi Movahhed, F. (2011). Relationship between the content of thought-action fusion and the clusters of symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder in patients with OCD. Journal of Research in Behavioural Sciences  . 9, 3, 164-174.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Shateri, L., Fattahi, S., Soodmand, M., Saderi, E., & Mansori, A. (2011). Validation of the Farsi version of the Schizotypal Personality questionnaire in a student sample. Iraniain Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. 17, 1, 26-34.

·         Bayrami, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Hadavandkhani, F. (2011). Causal model in emotional intelligence, schizotypy and psychopathology. Iraniain Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. 17, 1, 16-25.

·         Mahmood Aliloo, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Bafandeh, H., Khanjani, Z., & Ranjbar, F. (2011). The study of theory of mind deficit in schizophrenic patients with positive and negative symptom and its comparison with healthy people. Journal of Modern Psychology Researches. 6, 22, 79-96.

·         Abdi, R., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Mahmood Aliloo, M. (2011). The Sensitivity level of behavioral approach and inhibition systems in substance abusers, smokers and normal Subjects. Iraniain Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. 17, 3, 241-247.

·         Abdaleh_zade, A., Hashemi, T., & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2011). The comparison of the temperament and character dimensions inPTSD patients with healthy people. The Culture of Counseling and Psychotherapy. 2, 6, 107-119.

·         Shateri, L., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. , Hashemi, T., & Farnam, A. (2012). The comparison of negative facial expression ability between schizophrenic patients (paranoid/nonparanoid), their sibilings and healthy people. Journal of Mazandran University of Medical sciences. 22,86, 56-61.

·         Beyrami, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Fakhari, A., & Khakpour, Z. (2012). Comparison impulsivity and its components in eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder and normal group. Journal of Research in Behavioural Sciences. 9, 5,139-146.

·         Akbari, E., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Azimi, Z., Fahimi, S., Ghasempour, A., & Pichakolaei, A. (2012). Comparison of anxiety, depression, brain behavioural systems (BISBAS), coping styles, anger and hostility in people with and without asthma. Journal of Research in Behavioural Sciences. 9, 5,91-104.

·         Mansouri, A., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Mahmood Aliloo, M. Farnam, A., & Fakhari, A. (2012). The comparative study of wory, obsession and rumination in patients with generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, major depression and normal people. Psychological Studies. 7, 4, 55-74.

·         Shahjoee, T., Mahmood Aliloo, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., & Fakhari, A. (2012). Intolerance of uncertanity and wory among patients with generalized anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive diaorder. Iraniain Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology.17, 4, 304-312.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Mahmood Aliloo, M., Khanjani, Z., Ranjbar, F., & Bafandeh, H. (2012). Theory of mind deficit in schizophrenic patients with positive and negative symptoms: State or Trait. Medical Journal of TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences.33, 6, 32-38.

·         Azimi, Z., & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. (2012). The impairing role of stress on autobiographical memory reconsolidation. Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 14, 10, 51-55.

·         Beyrami, M., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., &Esmaeili, A. (2012). The relationship between coping styles and early maladaptive schemas in disconnectio-rejection and over vigilance-inhibition in young`s schema. Journal of Life Science and Biomedicine. 2, 4, 178-181.

Papers Presented at National and International Scientific Assemblies:

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. Investigating the relationship between attachment styles and psychopathology among Tabriz University students. Fifth Iranian congress of Research  in Psyciatry and Psychology. Feb. 28- March 1998.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. Evaluation of the risk of suicide based on Suicide Prevention  Triangle Model. First Seminar of Students Menta Health. 20&21 Feb. 2002. 

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Peyravi, H., & Abedian, A.  Relationship between satisfaction with life and social support with mental health among freshman students of Tehran University. Second Seminar of Students Menta Health. 3&4 Mar. 2002.

·         Zarean, M., Asadollahpour, A., & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. Relationship between emotional intelligence and problem solving styles with general health. Third Seminar of Students Menta Health. 20&21 Feb. 2005.

·         Asadollahpour, A., Zarean, M., & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. The relation of emotional intelligence with personality and academic achievement. Third Seminar of Students Menta Health. 20&21 Feb. 2005.

·         Irani, S., Ebrahimi, M., & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. The comparison of mental health and life satisfaction in infertile couple. The second National Congress on family Pathology in Iran. 15-18 May. 2006.

·         Ahmadi, P., Vahedi, H., & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. Quantitive electroencephalographic hemispheric asymmetry in PTSD patients. 16thInternational congress of Neurology & Clinical Electrophysiology of Iran. 19-22 May 2009.

·         Mansouri, A., Adalatzadeh, N., & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. The relation of happiness with positive and negative perfectionism and mental health. The First National Congress of Happiness. 2&3 Mar. 2009.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Fahimi, S., & Mehdi, M. Gray biological model of personality and addiction. The First Iranian Congress on Clinical Neuropsychology. 14&15 Feb. 2010.

·         Chalabianloo, G., Garrossi,T., &  Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. The comparison auditory working memory in the patients with OCD, GAD, and depression. The First Iranian Congress on Clinical Neuropsychology. 14&15 Feb. 2010.

·         Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Mohammadpour, V., Gholamzadeh, M., & Esaeli Anamagh, B. The prediction of general health, dyadic adjustment, and willingness to communication  based on mindfulness. Third Congress of Iranian Psychological Association. 2&3 Mar. 2011.

·         Chalabianloo, G., Garrossi,T., &  Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. The role of temperament and character dimensions in the prediction of OCD symptoms. Third Congress of Iranian Psychological Association. 2&3 Mar. 2011.

·         Bahadori, Z., Asadollahpour, A., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. The structural modeling of OCD based on metacognitive componants and Cloninger`s personality dimensions. Third Congress of Iranian Psychological Association. 2&3 Mar. 2011.

·         Abdollahzadeh, A., Hashemi, T., & Bakhshipour Roudsari, A. The teperament and character dimension of personalty in patients with borderline personality disorder. Third Congress of Iranian Psychological Association. 2&3 Mar. 2011.

·         Gharabaghi, H., Bakhshipour Roudsari, A., Soodmand, M., & Pourjafari, P. The comparison of personality profile in offenders and normal individuals based on NEO-PI-R. Third Congress of Iranian Psychological Association. 2&3 Mar. 2011.